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Table cut

Table cut
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Snake eye - Amethyst (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - transparent amethyst. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.18€ 0.11€ Ex Tax: 0.09€

Snake eye - Dk.Amethyst (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - dark transparent amethyst. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.21€ 0.13€ Ex Tax: 0.10€

Snake eye - Dk.Chocolate (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - matte transparent chocolate. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.20€ 0.12€ Ex Tax: 0.10€

Snake eye - Dk.Sapphire (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - dark transparent sapphire. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.21€ 0.13€ Ex Tax: 0.10€

Snake eye - Lt. Sapphire (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - Lt.Sapphire. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.18€ 0.11€ Ex Tax: 0.09€

Snake eye - Lt.Topaz (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - transparent light topaz. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.18€ 0.11€ Ex Tax: 0.09€

Snake eye - Matte Crysal (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - matte transparent crystal. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.18€ 0.11€ Ex Tax: 0.09€

Snake eye - Peach (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - matte transparent peach. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.18€ 0.11€ Ex Tax: 0.09€

Snake eye - Peridot (x1)

Table cut snake eye bead - matte transparent peridot. Sized 15x9mm, priced per piece. ..

0.18€ 0.11€ Ex Tax: 0.09€

Table cut - Crystal (x1)

Transparent bead with frosted sides. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.09€ 0.05€ Ex Tax: 0.04€

Table cut - Dk.Topaz (x1)

Transparent bead with frosted sides. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.10€ 0.06€ Ex Tax: 0.05€

Table cut - Green (x1)

Transparent bead with frosted sides. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.10€ 0.06€ Ex Tax: 0.05€

Table cut - Indigo (x1)

Transparent bead with frosted sides. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.10€ 0.06€ Ex Tax: 0.05€

Table cut - Jet (x1)

Non-transparent black bead, size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.09€ 0.05€ Ex Tax: 0.04€

Table cut - Lt.Amethyst (x1)

Transparent with little pearl luster. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.11€ 0.07€ Ex Tax: 0.05€

Table cut - Lt.Black Diamond (x1)

Transparent bead with little grayish sides. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.11€ 0.07€ Ex Tax: 0.05€

Table cut - Red Marble (x1)

Nontransparent bead, corresponds to the illustration. Size 10x9mm, priced per each. ..

0.14€ 0.08€ Ex Tax: 0.07€

Table cut - Waves (x1)

Slightly transparent bead with frosted sides and dark wave pattern. Size 10x9mm, priced per each...

0.14€ 0.08€ Ex Tax: 0.07€

Table cut star - Dk.Topaz (x1)

Transparent bead with pearl lusted on sides. Size 8mm, priced per each. ..

0.06€ 0.04€ Ex Tax: 0.03€

Table cut star - Lt.Green (x1)

Transparent bead with pearl luster on sides. Size 8mm, priced per each. ..

0.06€ 0.04€ Ex Tax: 0.03€

Table cut star - Lt.Sapphire (x1)

Transparent bead with frosted sides. Size 8mm, priced per each. ..

0.06€ 0.04€ Ex Tax: 0.03€

Table cut star - Lt.Topaz (x1)

Transparent bead with frosted sides. Size 8mm, priced per each. ..

0.06€ 0.04€ Ex Tax: 0.03€