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"Dream" (x1)

This Cabochon is made of tempered glass, size 18x13mm, 6mm thick. This kind of glass are more loa..

0.41€ 0.20€ Ex Tax: 0.17€

22mm Multicolor Flower (x1)

Tempered glass cabochon ,flat round, multicolor. Size: about 22mm in diameter, 6mm thick. Priced ..

0.74€ 0.37€ Ex Tax: 0.31€

Cat-eye - Anthracite (x1)

14mm square. Setting sold separately. Fiber optic glass cat's eye cabochons get their name f..

0.14€ 0.07€ Ex Tax: 0.06€

Cat-eye - Anthracite (x1)

Sized 14x10mm. Setting sold separately. Fiber optic glass cat's eye cabochons get their name..

0.07€ 0.04€ Ex Tax: 0.03€

Red Pattern (x1)

This Cabochon is made of tempered glass, size 18x13mm, 6mm thick. This kind of glass are more loa..

0.46€ 0.23€ Ex Tax: 0.19€